Nice to make your acquaintance! My name is Amelia Goe, and I’m your new wine columnist at The Arizona Republic. I’m a longtime food and wine professional who went from serving as dining editor at Arizona State University’s student newspaper to cooking internationally and working with food-based nonprofits. 

It’s been a journey. And I’m so glad it led me here. 

Wine has a special place in my heart. Not only because I come from a large Italian-American family, but because it’s the core of any good meal. I love sharing bottles with friends and creating new memories over a few glasses, or bottles, depending on the mood. 

My philosophy when it comes to wine

Pouring wine and cooking for guests or friends is where I’m the most passionate, creative and happy. Let me take you on one of those happy journeys, to the first time I sipped on a special nebbiolo I’ll share with you in my next column. 

It was 2017 and I was in Dublin for a wedding. Taking some time to explore the city, I was where you’d find any other culinary-minded individual: at the award-winning Fallon & Byrne food hall. Hidden away under the bustling main floor, I found the candle-lit wine cellar. 

After settling down with a charcuterie board, it was time to choose a nice Italian wine to pair with my cured meats. Something light with red fruit and lots of acidity to cut the fattiness. Finding what I wanted wouldn’t be a problem. This dim cave-like space was lined from floor to ceiling with over 300 boutique wines from around the world. 

I’m not sure how it happened, but I selected a nebbiolo from the list and have been obsessed with each year’s vintage ever since. I always manage to snag a bottle whether I’m in Arizona or abroad. It’s just one of those wines you keep coming back to for more.  

But it’s not always about finding the “perfect” wine. My goal is to encourage you to take a journey down a new aisle when searching for that next bottle or try a varietal you’ve never heard of.  

What you can expect from my column

Sometimes a wine will surprise you or unlock a newfound passion. While in culinary school, I worked for a local restaurant group and coordinated private dining experiences with chef Gabriele Bertaccini. (You may have seen him most recently on the Netflix series “Say I Do.”) He gave me my first taste of a Montepulciano wine that was going to be paired with one of our from-scratch pasta dishes. I had never had a wine that drank so easily but was full of bold punchy flavors. I quickly went from being skeptical to curious and eager to try new things. These are the experiences I want for you, too. 

After working in the Phoenix food scene, I took an opportunity to live in Paris, where I worked in private dining and staging at different restaurants and bakeries. A year of eating the finest baguettes, cheeses and other amazing food helped shape my views on culinary experiences. When it came to an end, I made my way back to Phoenix to pick back up where I left off.  

These days, you’ll find me making good use of my skills in my day-to-day as a food stylist and marketing professional. And now, you’ll find my thoughts on wine here in The Republic every month. 

As your new wine columnist, I'm looking forward to introducing you to some of my favorite wines, discovering new ones and every now and then, suggesting food pairings to accompany your glass(es) of wine. Next time, you’ll get my take on why a young, lightly sparkling nebbiolo should be your preferred poolside drink of choice. (Yes, especially in triple-digit weather.) Until then, cheers! 

Have a wine tip or question? Email Follow Amelia Goe on Instagram @agoewaffles.  

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